This morning there was an unfortunate incident in the car park. A car coming down the hill towards school, despite repeatedly beeping had to swerve and mount the kerb, where families were walking, to avoid a car reversing out of the car park. Please do be very careful when manoeuvring in the car park, particularly when reversing onto the road.
On Tuesday we had a new phone system installed. The phone number remains the same but please be advised, as noted in the message, that all calls are now recorded.
Booking on the new Clubs module on Parent Pay is going very well. Thank you to all those who have used this system to book and pay for clubs and have helped others to make their first booking. If you have any problems making a booking, please get in touch with Mrs Bentley. Please note, after school club is available to book until 6pm Monday to Thursday but we only have staff available until 5pm on Fridays.
A reminder that whilst the children do get a small snack in after school club (2 biscuits), they can be hungry at the end of the school day, please feel free to send in additional snacks if they are staying for a club. (Nothing containing nuts or peanuts.)
A reminder about the first PTA event of the year—Afternoon Tea in the Village Hall, 3.15-4.30pm today! Do come and say hello! The PTA raise valuable funds which benefit all children in school, do please consider getting involved. It is also a great way to get to know other parents if you are new to the school.
Nasal flu vaccinations are taking place in school on Wednesday 18th September for all children in years Reception to year 6. Please see attached a further copy of the letter which includes the link to give or decline consent. A copy of the link is also below. Unfortunately, this is the only way to give consent for this vaccination. Vaccination UK Immunisation (
As you will have seen from the ‘Dates for your Diary’ sent out last week, there are a variety of events for parents to learn more about what and how the children learn in school and how to support your child at home. The first event is the Phonics and Reading Information Event on Monday 23rd September for parents of children in Reception to year 3. This event will inform parents of how phonics and reading are taught throughout the school. You can join the event at 3.45pm in the school hall or at 6.30pm online. (Details of how to access the event online will follow). No need to book, all welcome to either event.
On Thursday 26th and Friday 27th September, parents of children in years 1 and 2 are invited into school to join in a ‘Come & Read’ session, a letter has been sent home today. With autumn now here, please send in coats / clothes appropriate for outdoor playtimes and PE lessons.