This afternoon we have hosted the first of our Come & Read events for the parents of children in years 1 and 2. I hope those that attended found the session useful. The other Come & Read session for years 1 and 2 will be tomorrow, 2.15-3pm.
A reminder about the Curriculum Evening on Monday 30th September at 3.45pm in the school hall, or 6.30pm online. If you would like to access the online event, please email by 10am on Monday morning and you will be sent a link. During this event, which is open to all a parents, the teachers and I will be informing you of our curriculum plans for 2024-2025. Please do come along, all welcome.
The first Wharfedale Primary Junior Cross Country Race of the season takes place on Saturday 5th October. For many years, children from Askwith Primary School have greatly enjoyed taking part in these races. Any child from Reception to year 6 can take part. The races are of different lengths for different aged children. The season has 6 races between now and March, plus a relay event for KS2 children. More information about the league can be found on their website, Junior Ilkley Harriers. If your child would like to take part in the first race, please see attached a letter with details of how to sign up. Thank you to Mrs Akers who has once again volunteered to be the ‘parent helper on the day’.
The PTA have organised a Bags 2 School collection. The white Bags2School bags were sent home yesterday, but any bag can be used to donate unwanted clothing. Further information about what can and cannot be donated is printed on the bags. Please leave the bags outside the village hall by 9am on Monday 14th October. Please do not bring the bags into school. Thank you for your support with this fundraising event.
A polite reminder to regularly check your Parent Pay account and pay for any outstanding items. We ask that parents check their account at least once per month. A reminder that credit can be put onto the school lunch and clubs accounts. If you have any questions about items on your account please email
With the weather now distinctly autumnal, please ensure children have jumpers and coats in school every day. For children in Reception to year 6, PE will continue to be outside unless it is raining, so please send in clothes suitable for outdoor PE, e.g. sweatshirts and joggers. Items with the school logo are available to buy (uniform order form attached) but any similar items from home are fine. All children also need a change of shoes eg pumps or trainers for PE. All children, including nursery, need a named water bottle every day. A final request, please can all items of clothing be named.