27th February 2025

I hope you all had an enjoyable break over half term. This week we have welcomed our new sports coach, Mr Cheetham. He will be supporting our teaching of the PE curriculum and running the teambuilding sessions and after school sports clubs on Mondays and Thursdays. See attached for details of all the clubs taking place this half term.
World Book Day is next week, on Thursday 6th March. On that day, children may come to school dressed as their favourite literary character. We will also be holding a ‘book swap.’ If your child would like to take part, please send in a book which your child has enjoyed and is happy to give away and swap for a different book.
Books should be wrapped, with a tag attached, describing what the book is about. This will hopefully prevent ‘judging a book by its cover’. World Book Day book tokens were handed out before half term and are valid from 13th February until 23rd March.
A reminder to parents of children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 that the deadline for your child to apply to be an Otley Star is Friday 7th March. Applications via the online form are preferred. The link to the online form is on the attached letter.
**Important dates for year 6 parents;
KS2 SATS—Monday 12th—Thursday 15th May inclusive
Year 6 leavers’ assembly and afternoon tea for parents—Thursday 17th July, 1.30pm

Information for parents about the year 6 Statutory Assessment Tests, the year 4 Multiplication Tables Tests and the year 1 Phonics Tests have been sent out to the relevant year groups today. Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about these mandatory tests.
We are pleased to announce that our new website has been launched! Do have a look. We hope you will find it easy to navigate.
If any current nursery parent would like to increase the number of sessions their child attends for next term (after Easter), please inform Mrs Bentley as soon as possible as places are now limited.

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