Last week, information was emailed out about the Parent Governor Elections. A reminder that the deadline to return the Nomination Forms, if you are interested in being a Governor, is 10am Monday 25th November.
Earlier in the term, the children, in their family groups, discussed and chose what new playground equipment they would like. The first items have now been delivered including tennis balls, skipping ropes, basket balls and chunky chalk! Many thanks to the PTA for funding these items.
Website news! – Behind the scenes, lots of work is being done to develop a new website. We are hoping to be able to launch this new website before Christmas. The existing website is still live but is no longer being updated.
A wonderful £98.27 was raised for Children in Need on Friday. Many thanks to all those who baked cakes, brought in cakes and bought cakes!
Last week was Anti-Bullying week, photographs of our odd socks day will be put onto the new website when it is launched.
On Tuesday we had an Open Day. It was lovely to welcome new families into our school. Many had heard good things about the school from friends and neighbours, so thank you for spreading the word!
Yesterday, a letter about the KS2 Pantomime, including how to order tickets was sent home (paper & email).
Information about the Infant Nativity was emailed out earlier today with a paper copy also going home.
Please respond by either filling in the paper forms and returning to school, or click on the link in the letters to fill out an online form. Please respond by Thursday 28th November.
A reminder about the home clothes day tomorrow. In return, we ask that parents donate an item for the ‘Advent Calendar Game’ for the PTA stall at the Victorian Fayre in Otley on Sunday 1st December. Please see attached a further copy of the flyer that was sent out last week. Any offers of help with the stall would also
be greatly appreciated.
We have once again been invited to hold our Christmas Carol Service at Denton Church. This will take place on Wednesday 4th December at 5pm. It is hoped that children in years 3,4,5 and 6 will be available to perform during the service, but children from all years, families and friends are welcome to attend. A letter is being sent home today.
A reminder to parents of children in nursery, that the deadline to apply for a place in Reception in September 2025 is 15th January 2025. Everyone must apply for a place through the County Council in which they live, and everyone can choose Askwith Primary School (even if you do not live in catchment). If you would
like to arrange a tour of the whole school and a conversation with myself, please make contact through the school office.
A reminder to please ensure your child has a cardigan / jumper and warm coat in school every day. Hats and gloves also recommended. PE will continue to be outside, unless it is raining, so please send in warm PE clothes, eg joggers and sweatshirts. Branded items are available from Sue Knowles but any items from home are acceptable. A copy of the uniform order form is attached if needed.
6th February 2025
Well done to Thomas, Mason and Henry who came third as a team in the cross country race last Saturday! A further well done to Thomas who came first in the year 4 boys’ race. Good luck to all those taking part in this Saturday’s race!On Tuesday, nursery and reception...