Now school has returned to the usual start and finish times, please can we request that parents vacate their
parking spaces as soon as possible so they can be used by other parents. A reminder of the drop off and pick
up times are below. Please inform any relatives or friends who may drop off or pick up for you. If you have children in both the infants and the juniors, please drop off at the earlier time and pick up at the later time.
In addition, please maximise the space in the village hall car park by following the suggested parking guide attached. If parking on the roads in the village, please park with consideration for the local residents by not blocking driveways. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Drop off and pick up times
• Nursery, reception, years 1 & 2—drop off 8.30-8.45am, pick up 3.15-3.30pm
• Years 3, 4, 5 & 6—drop off 8.45-9.00am, pick up 3.30-3.45pm
This week, we have started our annual check of the information we hold about your child. When you receive
an envelope containing a data sheet for your child, please check it carefully, make any changes, sign and date and return the sheet to school as soon as possible. Please check: home and mobile telephone numbers; home addresses; email addresses and medical conditions including any changes in those medical conditions.
Alternatively, if all the information is correct, email to confirm that no changes are needed. If possible, please provide 3 emergency contacts, these can be relatives or friends. All years
from year 1 upwards will be involved in this checking exercise.
Mobile phones are our primary way of contacting you, if your mobile phone number changes please tell us
straight away.
For those planning holidays, please find attached a copy of the term dates for this school year and next school year. A reminder that holidays should not be taken in term time unless in exceptional circumstances. A copy of the ‘Application for Pupil Leave’ form is attached for pupils of compulsory school age (the term following their 5th birthday). A reminder that the fines that can be levied by the local authority have changed. Please see attached a further copy of the letter from the CEO, Mrs Robinson, that explains the changes.
A note for parents with pre-school aged children, our nursery has limited spaces and is getting full. If you have a younger sibling and are interested in our nursery, for this year or next year, we would encourage you to please complete a registration form as soon as possible. If you completed a registration form a while ago, please get in touch to check we have your up to date information and likely start date correct.
6th February 2025
Well done to Thomas, Mason and Henry who came third as a team in the cross country race last Saturday! A further well done to Thomas who came first in the year 4 boys’ race. Good luck to all those taking part in this Saturday’s race!On Tuesday, nursery and reception...