
SATs Assessment

What is a Standard Assessment Test (SATs test)?

It is a national test that is taken by children at the end of Key Stage 2.

Pupils are given a level of attainment from the test.

At Key Stage 1, there are tests that teachers use but these are informal. These tests are no longer statutory for children in Key Stage 1.


What are the children tested on?

At Key Stage 2, the children are tested on the following:


  • Reading Test
  • Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation


  • Arithmetic 
  • Reasoning 

*Each year, the DFE select schools randomly to sit a science test.

Key Stage 1 Assessments

In Key Stage 1, the children are tested on their Maths, Reading, Writing and Science.

These assessments take place in an environment the children are familiar with and the children are tested by their teacher.

The assessments are informal and the children are assessed either one to one or in small groups.

KS2 Year 4 Multiplication Check

At the end of Year 4, all children are tested on their fluency on their times tables.

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

KS2 Teacher Assessment

At the end of KS2, teachers must assess pupils in English writing and science.

The frameworks do not include English reading and mathematics because schools are no longer required to make statutory teacher assessment judgements in these subjects at the end of KS2.

The KS2 English writing framework contains 3 standards:

· working towards the expected standard

· working at the expected standard

· working at greater depth within the expected standard.


The KS2 science framework contains 1 standard:

· working at the expected standard.

Key Stage 1 Phonics

In Year 1, all children are assessed on their understanding of Phonics. They are assessed one to one by their class teacher.