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At Askwith Primary School, we believe that all children’s education begins in Early Years. As a result, our curriculum offer for mathematics begins in Early Years and shows the sequential steps of essential knowledge acquired from Reception to Year 6. The mathematics curriculum in Early Years follows, but is not limited to the Statutory Framework. Guidance is taken from Development Matters and as a school we have enhanced the mathematics curriculum, aligning it with our National Curriculum expectations for Year 1, in order to fully ensure that all children (this includes SEND, EAL, PP and vulnerable children) are equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to become confident mathematical problem solvers. We have a determined approach that drives us to ensure that all children meet the expected standard at the end of Early Years and that all children are ready for the transition into Year 1.

In the revised EYFS Framework, mathematics is broken down into two Early Learning Goals:

  • Number
  • Numerical Patterns

However, as a school we also teach Space, Shape and Measures to ensure that all children have a full knowledge of mathematics and are ready to access the National Curriculum as they move into Key Stage One.

Rationale available here


Progression document example available here

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