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Class 3 Gallery


Our classroom

History - Artefacts







The children thoroughly enjoyed using artefacts during their history sessions. 

Music - Mr Morgan

PE - Hurdling

The children enjoyed playing the glockenspiels with Mr Morgan. 

The children in Class 3 were refining their hurdling skills during their fitness and athletics knowledge check sessions. 

Christmas pantomime

STEM Superstars

The children had a wonderful time performing in the Christmas pantomime.  

Class 3 had a great time with our STEM Superstar visitor. They explored light, sound and different forces with a range of exciting experiments! 

Odd socks


The children wore odd socks to mark Anti-Bullying Week. 

The children have been taking part in lots of sport to keep mentally and physically healthy. 

Police Community Support Officer Visitor - Online safety

National Poetry Day - Tony Peek

PCSO Phil spoke to the children about how to stay safe online. 

To celebrate National Poetry Day, poet Tony Peek visited the school. The children in Class 3 had a fantastic time writing their own poems with his help.

Staying mentally healthy

Mini Medics

The children in class 3 have been keeping mentally healthy in lots of different ways, one of their favourite activities was 'chair yoga'. They have also used the new chalkboards outside to list different ways to stay mentally healthy. 

We had a visitor in school teaching the children how to perform first aid in an emergency and they are now all 'mini medics' Well done children!

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