Children's Charity
Choosing our charity
Each year our children vote for a charity to support.
The year 6 children research different charities and all of the children then vote to decide which charity to raise money for.
2023 - 2024
This year, the children have voted to support the charity: Yorkshire Cancer Research.
Thank you to all those who purchased buns for our Children in Need bun sale. We raised £71.27 in total.
Thank you to all those who donated towards the Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day, an impressive £173.33 was raised.
Thank you to all those who bought a Poppy or other commemorative items for The Royal British Legion, a wonderful £181.49 was collected. Thank you to the school ambassadors, who gave up their break times to sell the items.
2022 - 2023
This year, the children have voted to support the charity, Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm.
Thank you for all of the donations at the harvest assemblies, an impressive £75.18 was raised.
2021 - 2022
This year, the children have voted to support the charity, Martin House. Please see below for information about this charity.
We also take part in other charity events in the year.