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PSHE Curriculum

Rationale available here


PSHE Progression Document example available here


Unit Overview: Essential Knowledge example available here

To see more pictures of the children's learning in this subject, please view the class galleries.

There are 5 ways to wellbeing.


These are the key focus for our mental health awareness week.


It is important for our children to know the 5 steps that can be taken to improve their mental health and wellbeing.


Trying these things can help us all feel more positive in our own daily lives.


More information is available here.

Anti-Bullying Week

Wellbeing and playtimes

To mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week, the children all wore odd socks to show that everyone is an individual. 

We are really happy to be back at school in our bubble with our friends! 


We spent time learning how to be mindful by breathing carefully. We grew from a seed to a tree, carefully mirrored our partners and listened to calming music while breathing deeply.

Mindfulness Club


It is very important to look after your mental health. Class 3 have been enjoying taking some time out during the day to stay mentally healthy. 

Class 4 have been practising yoga at break times to stay mentally healthy. 

Catch it, bin it, kill it!


Catch it, bin it, kill it! This is one of the most important ways to stay safe and healthy. 

It is very important to wash your hands and we have been practising the six steps to handwashing.

Using knowledge to describe own personal qualities.

Displays and Provision

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