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This page will be updated as required.

All past newsletters can be found on the school website under ‘Latest News.’


Update 24.03.22 : COVID Secure Arrangements

 Staff procedures March 2022



Update 21.02.22 : COVID Secure Arrangements

COVID secure arrangements February 2022



Update 06.01.22 : COVID Secure Arrangements


COVID secure arrangements January 2022

Staff procedures January 2022



Update 04.01.22 : COVID Secure Arrangements


COVID secure arrangements January 2022

Staff procedures January 2022


Update 29.11.21 : COVID Secure Arrangements


COVID secure arrangements November 2021



Update 09.09.21 : COVID Secure Arrangements 


COVID secure arrangements September 2021


Please click the link to view COVID-19 Contingency Plan September 2021

Please click the link to view Curriculum Delivery Plan September 2021

Please click the link to view Pupil Remote Learning Policy September 2021


Update 03.09.21: Procedures Update


Procedures for return to school



Update 03.09.21: Risk Assessment Update


Risk Assessment Update





Our Classrooms

Update 19.07.21: Risk Assessment Update


 Opening of school Risk Assessment Update



Update 04.03.21: Full reopening of school Monday 8th March


Opening of school Risk Assessment Update





Please only drop off / pick up at the time of your eldest child’s year, see below:


Drop off times

Pick up times

N & R

8.30-8.40 a.m

3.10-3.20 p.m

Y1 & Y2

8.40-8.50 a.m

3.20-3.30 p.m

Y3 & Y4

8.50-9.00 a.m

3.30-3.40 p.m

Y5 & Y6

9.00-9.10 a.m

3.40-3.50 p.m


  • Adults should wear a mask and keep socially distanced when dropping off / picking up
  • We are required to keep the school well ventilated; windows will be open all day so your child may need extra layers under their uniform
  • If your child or a member of your household has Coronavirus type symptoms, then please follow the Government guidance and inform school asap
  • Children should please bring a named water bottle to school
  • Breakfast club and after school clubs are running but only for parents who need the provision to be able to work. Clubs must be booked by midday the day before. (Please book by midday Thursday for clubs on Friday and Monday)


Update 23.02.21: Full reopening of school Monday 8th March


Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday, we are permitted to fully reopen school for all pupils on a full time basis from Monday 8th March. We hope that children will be looking forward to their return to school and seeing their friends. School attendance will once again become compulsory from 8th March for all children in years Reception to year 6. The Nursery has remained open during this lockdown and will continue to be open.

However, if your child or anyone in your household has Coronavirus type symptoms or has tested positive, then the government guidance about testing and isolating must be followed. Please inform school if your child is not able to attend because of Coronavirus restrictions or for any other reason. If your child cannot attend school because of the Coronavirus restrictions then home learning packs will be provided which can be collected by prior arrangement. Zoom lessons will not be possible.

To keep everyone safe, please see below important things to be aware of about school reopening.

Drop off and pick up times – Unfortunately, parents cannot come into the school buildings and should only come into the playground (following the established one way system) at the allocated time for their child’s year (or the time of the eldest child). Only 1 parent / carer should drop off or collect their child. Please do not start to queue until your time. All adults must wear face masks when entering the playground, please advise Mrs Nayler if you are exempt from wearing a mask. Please keep your distance from other families and depart the vicinity of the school quickly after drop off or collection.

Bubbles Drop off times Pick up times



Drop off times

Pick up times

N & R



Y1 & Y2



Y3 & Y4



Y5 & Y6






Breakfast club and after school club –The clubs will resume for children in years Reception to Y6 from Monday 8th March. The children will be kept in an ‘infant’ and a ‘junior’ bubble for these clubs. Breakfast club is from 8am every morning, please drop off at the drop off point in the playground where staff will then take your child into school. After school club is until 5.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and 5pm on Thursday. To collect your child from after school club, please wait at the gate and ring the school (01943 462896) to advise staff you have arrived, staff will bring your child to you at the gate. Please collect promptly and keep socially distanced whilst dropping off/collecting your child. Further details about the after school clubs will be in this week’s newsletter.


Hand washing and ventilation – As in the autumn term, the children will be washing their hands multiple times per day. If you find your child has sore / dry hands then hand cream can be sent in for them to use. As per the government guidance, classrooms will be well ventilated by regularly opening windows. Children may need extra layers under their uniform if they feel cold.


School lunches – The catering company has been providing cooked school lunches throughout this lockdown and will continue to do so for full opening on 8th March. Please see the Spring Term Menu. It will be assumed that children who had a school lunch before Christmas will do so from 8th March. If you wish to change the days your child has a school lunch please email by Friday 26th February.


NYCC home school transport –School transport has been provided during this lockdown and will available to those with a pass from Monday 8th March. It will be assumed that children will be using the transport for the same journeys as before Christmas, if this has changed, please email by Friday 26th February and inform the bus / taxi company. For ASCoaches, children should arrive at the bus stop with clean hands and must be able to fasten their own seat belt. If a parent needs to get on the bus to help their child, they must first sanitise their hands and wear a mask. There will be a seating plan for the bus which must be adhered to.


Action taken by staff – As per our risk assessment, school staff are continuing to carry out home Lateral Flow Tests twice per week and are wearing masks when a 2 metre distance cannot be maintained between themselves and other staff. We are continuing to carry out enhanced cleaning routines on top of the daily clean by our cleaning contractor. Staff are regularly using antibacterial hand gel.


School uniform – All children in years Reception to Y6 will be required to wear school uniform. Nursery children have the option of wearing the nursery jumper with their own clothes.


Items your child can bring to school – Children should bring to school a coat, a named water bottle and a PE kit. Children may also bring a pencil case (years 1 and above), a school bag and packed lunch/ snack if required. We have a child with a severe nut allergy so please do not send any item containing nuts for a snack or packed lunch.


If you have any concerns or questions about the contents of this letter please email We thank you for your cooperation with these rules and procedures and will forward any further guidance we receive. We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday 8th March


Update 05.01.21


Please click the link to view the Curriculum Delivery Plan January 2021

Please click the link to view the Pupil Remote Learning Policy


To all parents,


Please click the link for the document outlining the details of Remote Learning which will commence from tomorrow (06.01.21)  for all children at home in years Reception to year 6. Please also see attached a copy of the 'Acceptable Use of Zoom Policy' which was sent out in October.


As detailed in the letter, books can be collected from the shed from 5pm today and will be needed for tomorrow's lessons.


Children in nursery are permitted to come into school from tomorrow for their usual sessions. Children of critical workers and other children who have been invited, will be able to attend school from tomorrow.


Parents do not need to collect books if their children are coming into school.


Risk assessment update January 2021


Coronavirus Catch Up Premium Funding

Please click here to download the Coronavirus Catch Up Premium Funding document. 


Extract from letter dated 19.11.20

Coronavirus update—As you can see from the below table we currently don’t have any cases. We will continue to keep you informed in this way.


Awaiting test result of self or in household

Confirmed cases

Isolating due to close contact in school

Isolating due to close contact out of school

N & R





1 & 2





3 & 4





5 & 6












Extract from letter dated 12.11.20

Coronavirus update—Please see below a summary of current cases. As you will see, we currently only have 1 child isolating at the moment due to a suspected case in their household—**Update—we have just been informed that the result was negative, so no current cases! We will continue to keep you informed in this way.



Awaiting test result of self or in household

Confirmed cases

Isolating due to close contact in school

Isolating due to close contact out of school

N & R





1 & 2





3 & 4





5 & 6











Update to the School Opening Risk Assessment


Extract from letter dated 05.11.20


Coronavirus update—Please see below a summary of pupils and staff awaiting test results of self or in the household, confirmed cases, isolating due to close contact in school, and those isolating due to close contact outside of school.



Awaiting test result of self or in household

Confirmed cases

Isolating due to close contact in school

Isolating due to close contact out of school

N & R





1 & 2





3 & 4





5 & 6











Miss Fox is now recovered and was permitted back to school on Monday after her period of isolation. The children in years 2, 3 and 4 and support staff currently isolating as being a close contact of Miss Fox are permitted back to school tomorrow. The current confirmed case in bubble 3&4 (and close contact family members) will return next week.
We continue to follow the latest DfE guidelines and are keeping the necessary authorities informed. The number of visitors to school is being kept to an absolute minimum, including cancellation of the sports coach, until the current lockdown has ended. In addition, our enhanced cleaning and hand washing regimes continue. The school will remain open (unless instructed otherwise by Public Health England) and parents should continue to send their children to school when permitted. Thankyou to parents who have provided us with timely information about cases within their households. It is very important that parents inform us immediately if members of their household have symptoms and are waiting for a test result, have had a positive test result or if their children will be absent having been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. If this occurs out of school hours, please email


Updated Core Control Measures

Updated School Opening Risk Assessment


Extract from letter dated 15.10.20

The school understands that some families may wish to take a holiday abroad during the half term break. Please note that if you travel to a country or territory that is not on the travel corridors list (, your child will not be allowed back into school during the period of self-isolation and must quarantine at home for 14 days.


Update 01.10.20

In line with latest guidance, the school's core control measures and risk assessments have been updated. Please find a copy of these documents here: 

Updated Core Control Measures

School Opening Risk Assessment


Extract from letter dated 01.10.20

On Tuesday, our Home Learning Procedures and Curriculum Delivery Plan were emailed home. A copy of these documents together with our ‘Parent and Pupil Acceptable Use Policy for Zoom’ are attached below. (Following more advice from Schools ICT, we have decided that Zoom will be a better forum for communication.) Please read these documents carefully then sign and return the reply slip by Tuesday 6th October. A reply slip is needed from each family to enable children to access home learning. If you have any questions about the attachments, please email

Please see links below for the relevant letters:

Curriculum Delivery Plan 2020-2021

Home Learning Procedures

Parent & Pupil Acceptable Use Policy for Zoom


Extract from letter dated 24.09.20


This week, I have received a letter from the Director of Public Health for North Yorkshire. The letter asks head teachers to remind parents that GP’s cannot diagnose coronavirus nor are they able to administer tests. The only ways to obtain a test are via the NHS website or by calling 119. We have also been asked to distribute the attached letter from NHS Test and Trace about when it is appropriate to get a test. NHS Test and Trace Letter

We are aware of the difficulties in obtaining a test and the current delays in receiving results. If your child is not able to come into school because of the isolation rules, we will send work home, see below:

  • A member of staff will call parents of isolating children during the day to arrange to email work home. We will aim to have made contact with you by the end of lunchtime of the first day of absence.
  • Whilst waiting for work, we suggest children read their reading books or access online learning resources eg Activelearn reading or BBC Bitesize etc
  • In the event that the whole year / bubble is isolating at home, learning will move online with learning resources sent home for children to work through.

Please note: More information will follow next week about these home learning procedures.

Please be assured that any absences as a result of the isolation rules will be coded as authorised leave.


Extract from letter dated 03.09.20


Full reopening of school Tuesday 8th September 

We are now permitted to fully reopen school for all pupils on a full time basis. We hope that children will be looking forward to their return to school but understand some children may be feeling a little nervous after such an extended period of time away. Our priority in the first few days will be to settle the children back into school and the new routines.


Please see below important things to be aware of about school reopening and see attached our risk assessments.  

Staff procedures - children

Staff procedures - staff

Staff procedures - parents

Building risk assessment

One-way system sketch

ASCoaches Transport risk assessment


Returning from holidays abroad – If you have been abroad during the summer holiday and have visited a country that requires 14 day quarantine on return, a reminder not to bring your child to school until the 14 days have passed. If your child cannot attend school because of this reason, please inform the office via telephone message or email by 9.00am on Tuesday 8th September. 


School uniform – All children in years Reception to Y6 will be required to wear school uniform. Nursery children have the option of wearing the nursery jumper with their own clothes. 


Drop off and pick up times – Unfortunately, parents cannot come into the school buildings and should only come into the playground (following the one way system on the attached sketch) at the allocated time for their child’s year (or the time of the eldest child). Please do not start to queue until your time. Please keep your distance from other families and depart the vicinity of the school quickly after drop off or collection. 


Bubbles               Drop off times            Pick up times

N & R                      8.30-8.40                   3.10-3.20

Y1 & Y2                   8.40-8.50                   3.20-3.30

Y3 & Y4                  8.50-9.00                   3.30-3.40

Y5 & Y6                  9.00-9.10                    3.40-3.50 


Breakfast club and after school club – The clubs will run for children in years Reception to Y6. The children will be kept in an ‘infant’ and a ‘junior’ bubble for these clubs. Breakfast club is from 8am every morning, please drop off at the drop off point in the playground where staff will then take your child into school. After school club is until 5.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and 5pm on Thursday. To collect your child from after school club, please wait at the gate and ring the school (01943 462896) to advise staff you have arrived, staff will bring your child to you at the gate. Please collect promptly and keep socially distanced whilst dropping off/collecting your child. 



School lunches – The catering company will be starting the term with a basic menu. Please inform Mrs Bentley, by 10am Tuesday 8th, via email or telephone message, of the days when your child will be having a school lunch. It is assumed all children in years Reception, 1 and 2 (who are all eligible for a free school lunch) will be having a school lunch, unless informed otherwise. Children in year 3 and above (with reliable memories!) can tell their teacher their lunch time plans on the first morning, or parents please inform the office as requested. 


NYCC home school transport – Please refer to the NYCC website for the latest information about home school transport. If your child is going to use the bus or taxi service, please inform Mrs Bentley, via email or telephone message, by 10am Tuesday 8th, of the journeys your child will using the transport for. If your child is using ASCoaches Transport, please see attached their risk assessment and contact details. For ASCoaches, children should arrive at the bus stop with clean hands and must be able to fasten their own seat belt. If a parent needs to get on the bus to help their child they must first sanitise their hands and wear a mask. There will be a seating plan for the bus which must be adhered to. 


Items your child can bring to school – Children should bring to school a coat, a named water bottle and a PE kit. Children may also bring a pencil case (years 1 and above) a school bag and packed lunch/ snack if required. We have a child with a severe nut allergy so please do not send any item containing nuts for a snack or packed lunch. Children in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 should also bring to school the Workbooks that they collected from school during lockdown. 


If you have any concerns or questions about the contents of this letter please email 

We thank you for your cooperation with these new rules and procedures and look forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday 8th September.


Extract from letter dated 03.04.20


Yesterday, a 'home learning code' was emailed out for each child. This can now be used for your child to access their Seesaw learning journal. They will be able to complete the sample task, designed to help them become familiar with the tools on Seesaw.


Today, you will receive an email to access your family/parent portal on Seesaw. Here you will be able to see your own child's completed learning and you will be able to communicate with your child's teacher about any questions you may have regarding the learning tasks.


The next set of learning will be uploaded today between 3pm and 5pm. In some cases, it will be appropriate to send home answers to the learning tasks which are uploaded. We will only be sending answers to parents and not to the children. In order to receive any answers for the set of tasks to be uploaded today, you will need to have registered to access your individual Seesaw parent portal by this coming Monday 6th April. Answers will be made available on Tuesday 7th April through the parent portal via: inbox-messages.


Please note: there is no expectation for children to complete work over the Easter holidays but they can do so if they wish. More work will be uploaded on Friday April 24th.


Where appropriate, any answers for the printed materials which were sent home for your child will be emailed by the end of today. I am sorry that we do not yet have online answers for Years 1 and 6 for the Maths No Problem books. I was assured that I would have these this week but as yet the company is still working on it. As soon as I have these, I will email them out to you.


Best wishes


Mrs Nayler and the Askwith team


Extract from letter dated 02.04.20


Today we will be sending home information on how to access your child’s learning journal on Seesaw. You will receive a separate email entitled, ‘Seesaw Home Learning Code’. Attached to this email, there will be instructions on how to access your child’s Seesaw journal. Your child only has one login to access their journal and this can be used on different devices.

Once you have access, please feel free to encourage your child to become familiar with the layout of the journal. There will be a sample task available for your child to complete. This is designed for them to become familiar with the different tools in Seesaw.

As previously mentioned, each week we intend to send your child up to: 5 English, 5 Maths and 2 tasks from other subjects in the curriculum. New learning tasks will be uploaded every Friday. The first set of tasks will be uploaded between 3pm and 5pm tomorrow. Please use these to supplement work already sent home.

In the first instance, these tasks will recap previous learning so that we can ensure that this is embedded in the children’s long-term memory. These tasks can be carried out as and when you feel your child is ready to complete them. Children do not need to have completed the packs which we sent home before beginning these online tasks. You may, for example, want to run these tasks alongside the packs to provide some variation for your child.

Tomorrow, you will also receive an invitation to create a parent/family login. Here you will be able to see any completed learning in your child’s online journal. You can also use the parent login to message your child’s teacher with any questions that you may have about the learning tasks.

Where appropriate, any answers to tasks set will be sent to you through the parent/family login page. These will appear in the inbox as and when they are made available.

A helpsheet, detailing how to respond to learning tasks in Seesaw, is also attached to this email. This can also be found on through the inbox pages on Seesaw.

Once again, we appreciate your patience in the first few weeks as we all become more familiar with this new learning system.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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